So here we are. It is Thursday now. Monday was a therapeutic time and that is over. It's now time to delve into the deep stuff. The stuff that really matters. The thoughts of the Motha Flippin week.
Being a college student, I am encouraged to think and to analyze. To critically analyze and think. To look deeper than what is apparent on the surface. Easier said than done. Well, throughout class or in a dreamless state of nothingness waiting for the sandman to take me away I have these random spurts of inspiration. These are just a couple form the week:
Kids need thicker skin nowadays. Bullying is no laughing matter I agree, but man. You cannot let words that people say effect you the way they do. If someone has enough tenacity to say something that makes you feel less than you actually are then you have to realize that they are more troubled than you. I don't know what my parents did while raising me to make me impervious to these childish remarks that will make a 13 year old cry now. "You're a pussy!" Well cool... I'm glad? What exactly is that supposed to do? Make me think of a woman's phallic region? That only makes me want to masturbate, sorry. This was something that popped into my head while listening to my professor rattle on about how today's youth is at risk because of bullying. And while we are on this tangent, for FUCK'S sake! Video games DO NOT make serial killers or mass murderers... If they did, then I would be the next Charles Manson. If you don't know who that is...
A. Wrong generation.
B. Stop reading.
C. If you're still reading because you find my thought processes mildly interesting, JFGI.
D. If you don't know what the acronym JFGI stands for, google it...
E. You will be embarrassed.
Anyway. Back to what I was saying. Wait... What was I talking about anyway? Thinking and critical something or other? Cool. Sounds like a fucking plan. Let's do it.
So I said in my last post that girls prompted me to start this. That is partly true. And the reason that is true is because I was in a drug induced rage thinking about things I shouldn't have been. But who does what they are supposed to? Anyway. I digress. So. I had this thought the other night as I was falling asleep. Before you fall asleep you always think about someone. I wrote down my exact thought in a much more thoughtful manner than I could ever reproduce right now so I will just write what I wrote when I wrote it so I could write it right here... I hope I lost you right there. That was my whole goal in life.
The person you think about right before you fall asleep is the person you have the strongest feelings for. The hard part to discover, and this is only discovered through internal exploration, is why. Why do you think about them.
So looking back on it, my thought could have been much more eloquent.. but that is pretty good for semi conscious shenanigans but it is never the less true. The person you think about right before you fall asleep is playing an important part in your life whether you like it or not. I stilll haven't figured it out and I probably won't until I am happy where I am. I'm not just talking happy like seeing flowers and butterflies being trompled by unicorn sort of happy but the sort of feeling you get sitting by a warm fire with hot chocolate surrounded by the people you love.Yeah. You just felt how great that was.
Pretty great huh? Welcome back to reality. I play feelings like a fiddle. Well, it is getting to that point in the night and I have people to think about and I bet you do too. Think about them, cherish those thoughts, know why you are thinking them, and ACT on them. Do not second guess your subconscious.
Being a college student, I am encouraged to think and to analyze. To critically analyze and think. To look deeper than what is apparent on the surface. Easier said than done. Well, throughout class or in a dreamless state of nothingness waiting for the sandman to take me away I have these random spurts of inspiration. These are just a couple form the week:
Kids need thicker skin nowadays. Bullying is no laughing matter I agree, but man. You cannot let words that people say effect you the way they do. If someone has enough tenacity to say something that makes you feel less than you actually are then you have to realize that they are more troubled than you. I don't know what my parents did while raising me to make me impervious to these childish remarks that will make a 13 year old cry now. "You're a pussy!" Well cool... I'm glad? What exactly is that supposed to do? Make me think of a woman's phallic region? That only makes me want to masturbate, sorry. This was something that popped into my head while listening to my professor rattle on about how today's youth is at risk because of bullying. And while we are on this tangent, for FUCK'S sake! Video games DO NOT make serial killers or mass murderers... If they did, then I would be the next Charles Manson. If you don't know who that is...
A. Wrong generation.
B. Stop reading.
C. If you're still reading because you find my thought processes mildly interesting, JFGI.
D. If you don't know what the acronym JFGI stands for, google it...
E. You will be embarrassed.
Anyway. Back to what I was saying. Wait... What was I talking about anyway? Thinking and critical something or other? Cool. Sounds like a fucking plan. Let's do it.
So I said in my last post that girls prompted me to start this. That is partly true. And the reason that is true is because I was in a drug induced rage thinking about things I shouldn't have been. But who does what they are supposed to? Anyway. I digress. So. I had this thought the other night as I was falling asleep. Before you fall asleep you always think about someone. I wrote down my exact thought in a much more thoughtful manner than I could ever reproduce right now so I will just write what I wrote when I wrote it so I could write it right here... I hope I lost you right there. That was my whole goal in life.
The person you think about right before you fall asleep is the person you have the strongest feelings for. The hard part to discover, and this is only discovered through internal exploration, is why. Why do you think about them.
So looking back on it, my thought could have been much more eloquent.. but that is pretty good for semi conscious shenanigans but it is never the less true. The person you think about right before you fall asleep is playing an important part in your life whether you like it or not. I stilll haven't figured it out and I probably won't until I am happy where I am. I'm not just talking happy like seeing flowers and butterflies being trompled by unicorn sort of happy but the sort of feeling you get sitting by a warm fire with hot chocolate surrounded by the people you love.Yeah. You just felt how great that was.
Pretty great huh? Welcome back to reality. I play feelings like a fiddle. Well, it is getting to that point in the night and I have people to think about and I bet you do too. Think about them, cherish those thoughts, know why you are thinking them, and ACT on them. Do not second guess your subconscious.